![]() Dedicated to Alaskan Aviation Pioneers |
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Charlie Muhs
- Editor Dottye Muhs - Assistant Editor |
EDITOR'S NOTES Like many of you, we will always remember exactly what we were doing and where we were on September 11, 2001. We were on a road trip after our return from Alaska. It was just a few minutes before 8:00 a.m. when we awoke. We were in a hotel in Livingston, MT en route from Libby, MT to Plano, TX. We had just spent a great ten days with our daughter and son and the grandchildren. Terrorism was the last thing on our mind. We were looking forward to visiting with our niece and her family - especially since we had not seen the newborn twins. As usual, I turned on the television to check the day's events and weather forecast. It was only minutes after the first aircraft slammed into the World Trade Center. At first, we thought we were watching a movie. Then it became clear that a plane had hit one of the towers. I could not help but reflect back to the time when a military airplane crashed into the Empire State Building one foggy morning. But, the weather was clear and it made little sense of what we were seeing and being told. While we attempted to digest the events unfolding before our eyes - a second plane smashed into the second tower! It was horrific and incomprehensible. It defied our sense of reality. It was as if we were dreaming. For the rest of the day, we drove in a trance absorbing whatever bits and pieces of information that we could gleam from a multitude of radio stations. Our trip seemed pointless now. We had an urgent need to go home to be among safe and familiar surroundings, but we pressed on and eventually made it to Plano. What we really needed was there after all - family. A week after the cowardly attack on America, we did a very normal thing; we went to a baseball game. What an emotional outpouring of patriotism. Flags and banners were everywhere. T-shirts and hats depicting American symbols were in abundance. I do not believe there was a dry eye in the stadium as they played the National Anthem and again after the singing of "God Bless America" during the seventh inning stretch. The healing began that day. The resolve was strong and American pride was clearly alive and well. ~~~~ This year, Dottye and I flew back to Alaska instead of driving the motorhome. It was a nice change. We stayed with friends. The trip that will be a long time memory was in August when Fred, Rick Jenderny, and I explored the Prince William Sound. The fishing on this trip was exemplary. We caught numerous silvers and Rick hauled in a 70 pound plus halibut. Fred found his favorite spot for shrimp, so we left a few pots there. The next day, we pulled in a bounty of fresh Prince William Sound shrimp. Ah, life is good! I am convinced if you want to see old friends and co-workers, just hang around the Northern Lights Fred Meyer store. You are bound to bump into someone. It was there that I saw Captain Ed Stieger, former Wien pilot. He never seems to age. Also, Orin Hudson is still spending summers in Anchorage and winters in Arizona. Orin still has his Widgeon (46 years) and the same Bonanza. This has to be some sort of a record. One of my regular stops shortly after I returned to Anchorage was to visit with Pat Fundeen. Two of the boys were home, Ed and Carl. Bill, as I have called him all these years, said that he will be retiring this year. That is so unreal. I can remember the first time I met him. He was in the Air Force on his way to somewhere in the Aleutians. The year, 1965! Younger brother John is still working at King Salmon. He is the Airport Manager. The old Flight Standards gang is still meeting at the Casa Grande Restaurant on Northern Lights. On the 14th of June, we celebrated Tim Jackson's birthday. There was quite a showing of friends: Al and Lois Bruck, Dave Evans, and Bob Fowler were visiting Alaska. Also, attending was Dick Pastro, Jack Wright (this year's winner of the BP 5K race for runners over age 60), "Ski" Kowalewski, Ruth Jefford, "Chris" Christiansen, Ken Peavyhouse, Mike Hunt, and several others whose names elude me. Former NWS employees meet every Wednesday for breakfast at Denny's Restaurant on Benson Boulevard. Cal Hobart, who lives in the neighborhood where we were staying, invited me to join them for breakfast. I always enjoyed a good working relationship with the guys in the NWS. It was great seeing some of them again. Many of the attendees are former ACS employees. The few that I knew were: Bert Goldenberg, Jerry Morrel, Ed Diemer and John Gonnason. Jerry Wylie, Bill Butler, Derril Bergt, Bill Chord, Norm Gommoll and yours truly got together for our "annual" Anchorage Tower "Staff" luncheon. Bill Chord looks great and is thinking of joining the retiree ranks. We were all glad to see that his recovery has been most successful. Bill Butler had his 3-year-old daughter, Emma, with him and they made quite the couple. One of the things that I enjoy when I come back to Alaska each summer is seeing some of our fellow co-workers who have been retired for some time. Dee Washburn hosted a reunion for Dave and Mary Lou West, who were visiting Alaska for a couple weeks. It was nice to see Marie Johnson, Jeanette Marshall and Dot Allen again. Jean Mahoney was also there and talking about retiring next year. The weather cooperated and a great evening was enjoyed by all. I had to go to Lowe's Home Improvement (formerly Eagle Hardware) for a small item when I bumped into Sam Parsons, former Airports Division Specialist. Sam retired in 1983 and time has treated him very well. We spent quite a bit of time talking about the "old" days and how much fun it was to work with the likes of Jerry Kempton, Jim Tanaka, Floyd Patterson and Dick Griffith. Dick is still walking across this great continent of ours. Maybe he will read this and bring us up to date on his latest adventures. Dottye was shopping in the Fifth Avenue Mall and ran into Arlene Syverson, Danny's widow. She looked great. This was her first trip back to Alaska and she was there to attend her granddaughter's wedding. Arlene still lives in Minnesota. Some of you may remember John Farley from the old days. Well, John and Vi have been working for the DOD in Turkey. Unfortunately, Vi has been diagnosed with breast cancer and they are returning to the U.S. We heard through the grapevine, Gary and Rosemary Christensen were visiting Alaska this year in their 5th wheeler. Which reminds me, has anyone heard from Dick and Lois Angle? We used to get a card from them at Christmas but not for the last two years. You may remember, Dick was the Accounting Division Manager and Lois worked in the ARTCC as a Logistics Specialist. A special thanks to Al Hall and Vern Hill for their generous donations of old Mukluk Telegraph bound issues and other historical documents that depict the many contributions of the CAA/FAA to Alaska's development. These valuable journals have been given to Mary Smith who will ensure their rightly place in one of our Aviation Museums. And talk about that Jack Wright fellow, he finally made his goal to run a marathon race before he was 70 years' young. Yep, he completed this year's Mayor's Midnight Run Race. It took awhile, but it was a great accomplishment. Congratulations Jack! Again while cruising the aisles of Fred Meyer I bumped into former FAA Nurse Mabel Nielson. She hasn't changed much and we enjoyed our brief visit remembering some of the times from so many years ago. ~~~~ (The following notes were received by Ernie Fleece) Ernie: Keep up the good work. When I initiated OUR TIME newsletter in 1970, I had high hopes that it would be beneficial to our retirees and in the interest of our agency. I'm grateful that good people like you and Charlie Muhs keep it going in fine fashion. RT Williams ~~~~ My heart will always be in the Alaska Region, having started in the Anchorage OFACS 51 years ago - and then AKN, HOM, ILI, GKN, ORT as a relief specialist. Thomas M. Sorrick ~~~~ My husband Richard Brannon, died May 6, 2000. He retired from the Air Traffic Division in Anchorage. I also worked for the FAA in Accounting. I know many of the retirees and wish to continue receiving the OUR TIME, Margaret A. Brannon ~~~~ Dear Ernie, I never met you but I do remember Charlie Muhs. I retired May 31, 1972 as Chief, Data Processing Branch, AL-63 and do enjoy
OUR TIME very much and wish to continue receiving it. My thanks goes to Charlie and Dottye for a "bang up" job of publishing. I was saddened to hear of Peggy Don's husband, Ken's death. I remember her as Art Schwankl's secretary in the late 60s I think. Norris D. Rush ~~~~ Ernie: Leon worked for the FAA in Anchorage from 1966 to 1967. He retired with 37 years of service in December 1979. H e was the Director of the Western Region at that time. Leon died of Alzheimer disease on May 24, 2000. He left a wife, Patsi, son Larry, six grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren - and more on the way! We were married 58 years. He loved to read the OUR TIME newsletter and recalled many of the people. We moved to San Juan Island, WA in 1988. We love it here. Patsi J. Daugherty ~~~~ Hi to all: I really enjoy reading the newsletter. We do not have a computer. I would be happy to pay for mailing, printing, etc. on a yearly basis. That way we can still receive the OUR TIME. So far, the only person we ran into was Stan Hill at Rocky Point. We enjoyed visiting with him. Rose and Lou Mower and Jerry and I have been RVing since we retired. It was good to hear from Clyde Fall, former Logistics boss in the old Complex. He still lives in Kenai. And, Ben Hutson who is in WY. Robin Masch came by our cabin on the Kenai for a visit. We still have a cabin at the Kenai Keys and a condo on Kona where we spend time from mid December to mid January. We RV around Arizona and New Mexico in February, March and April. Rosalie & Jerry Ivey ~~~~ Hello out there: I always enjoy "Our Time" and would be glad to hear from any of my old FAA friends. I'm quite new to computers and the internet, but a while back I discovered a site that some folks have put together: www.kadiak.org. It is the Kodiak military history museum. It is a "grassroots" effort to preserve and make available to the public what happened there at the Naval Station, Fort Abercrombie, etc., during and just prior to WWII, and on into the cold war, including the Chiniak Tracking Station, where I worked in '58-'60. I visited Kodiak this past September, and the folks who run the museum (such as it is) were kind enough to open it up for me and give me a tour of what they've been able to do so far. They told me they are very interested in what took place out on Woody Island at the CAA/FAA site there. They would be very grateful for any information that folks who know about the history of Woody Island can give them. In addition to the web site above, they have a mailing address: 1623 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, AK 99615. They are also interested in other information that some folks might be able to help them with regarding CAA/FAA activities in Alaska. I suggested that the Alaska Airman's Guide would contain what they are looking for, or a lot of it, if any from the "old days" can be located. I would think, and certainly hope, that there is somewhere an archive of old Alaska Airman's Guides and that it can be accessed on line. If so, please pass this information onto them. Thanks. Incidentally, I do remember an elk hunt I did on Afognak Island, in '59; I ran into an FAA ET, Mel Holroyd, who was at that time working on Woody Island, and another fellow whose name I can't recall who was the maintenance crew on Shuyak Island. I asked him if there were any brown bears on that island, and I don't think I'll ever forget his answer. He looked me straight in the eye, and said "There are thirteen brown bears on Shuyak, and I've named them all." I hope you are all well and enjoying life. In case you may be wondering if you might have known me, I was a Radar ET, on Fire Island, '62 - '66; Anchorage ARTCC, '66-'68; Anchorage RAPCON, '68 - '78; and Kenai Long Range Radar, '78-'90. My e-mail address is brookman@alaska.net. Best Regards to all, Jerry Brookman ~~~~ Dear Charlie: Please continue mailing me the OUR TIME newsletter. I enjoy it very much. It brings back so many fond memories when I read about Helen Logan, Frank & Fran Scott, Al Iverson, Waggy, Erland Stephens, Grotts, Rogene, Sandy and so on. Kathleen and I are still kicking but not very high. Staying close to home these days. I keep fairly active playing duplicate bridge and par three golf. Richard Moore P.S. I feel that the world is passing me by and I'm showing my age - I don't own a computer! ~~~~ Thanks for your help Charlie. I just checked out your website; it is beautiful! Full of good stuff & easy to navigate. Thanks for filling me in on it, I'll be sure to check it out in the future. How often do you update? Lou & I started RVing 3 years ago when he retired for the 2nd time; & Rose Ivey & Jerry got interested in the doing the same a year or so ago after reading my newsletters. We have a lot of fun with them, especially now that we aren't doing quite so much roaming. Lou & I probably hit over half of the Lower 48 in the first two years. I think we'll stay in Parker for a while (actually Big River, CA), Lou likes the Colorado, & we both like the weather. We'll certainly call if we're in the neighborhood. Good talking to you and thanks for your help. Talk to you later, Rose Mower ~~~~ Hi Charlie and Dottye, I turned in one of 1943-1950 books to the Transportation Museum in Wasilla last Wednesday. I gave them your mailing address and your e-mail so you should be hearing from them. I called the Anchorage Museum this morning and the person I want to give them to will be in on Monday so I will take the other book and the Other booklets in on Monday. Will also give them your address. I knew the week of the fourth would not be a good time so I waited until the holiday excitement settled down. Later, Mary Smith ~~~~ This year's Retiree Cake and Coffee was a huge success. Thanks to the folks in the Airport Division, Regional Administrator's Staff and the CIVAIR Club, there were plenty of "goodies" to be eaten and washed down with your favorite beverage. For those who have access to the internet, we have several good pictures on the Our Time web site. I know when I start to list who was there I will forget someone, but let me at least acknowledge the following: Rae and Andy Billick, John Gonnason, Russ Oyster, Roy Hoyt, John Bassler, Paul Wilson, Ralph Westover, Phil DePalmer, Derwin Hammond, Bruno Zamorkski, Tim Jackson, Mary Smith, Helen Groeneveld, Jim Walton, Robie Strickland, Jerry Wylie, Cal Hoggard, Bob Faller, Dorothy Revell, Jim Finlayson, Ken Moore, Ruth Schneider, Ahmad Amer, "Waggy" Wagenius, and Marc Stella. I hope I got most of them. ~~~~ Hi, Charlie and Dotty: I don't recall signing a release form attached to the January 2001 issue of OUR TIME and mailing it to you, so I am making up one of my own design and sending it herewith. I hope it suffices to keep me on your mailing list. I treasure each copy of "Our Time" even though I run across very few familiar names and references to events during my two sojourns in Alaska from July 1942-December 1944 and November 1946-August 1950. Not having a computer and e-mail address, I would still appreciate receiving "Our Time" as long as it is published. The story on George Karabelnikoff was very interesting. I met him at Nome in April 1944 while en route from Moses Point to Anchorage. George and Jack Jefford were engaged in "tossing the spotted cubes" but I managed a handshake with him and remember his red hair of those days. Vernon Hill has had articles in recent issues, bringing back memories of days gone by. I never met Vern but I worked with his brother Don at the AF sector in Houghton, Michigan in 1957 and 1958. Vern mentions Ormond Robbins at Bettles in 54/56 in the Jan. 2001 issue. I worked with Ormond and his wife Jane at the Nome INSAC in 1946 and 1947 before transferring to the CT site as a maintenance technician with Cliff Caudill. Ormond and Jane then transferred to the INSAC at Kotzebue. Oh, yes, I worked with Virgil Lamb at Merrill Field OFACS in 1944. He was a quiet chap, as I recall, but a pleasure to work with. Ray Okerlund was OFACS Chief and Gene Berato was Asst. Chief, OFACS at KCDW/KIS at that time. I was standing day watch at Moses Point in 1943, when the weather reports stopped coming from Unalakleet, our neighboring station to the south. When the evening watch arrived at the Unalakleet station, he found the day watch operator lying on the floor in a coma from a self-inflicted shot to the head from a .22 caliber rifle. He was flown to Nome for emergency surgery and then sent "stateside" and that's the last we heard of him. Shack fever probably drove him to desperation. Surely happy that so many of the retirees are able to travel. My traveling days are done since my wife, Violet, is in poor health and unable to travel other than local shopping and church. However, I had my share of travel with CAA/FAA and for a few years after retirement in 1975. Ham radio keeps me in touch now. Keep up the good work, Charlie, and "73" to all the cheechakoes and sourdoughs! Ted KangasW8HV ~~~~ In the last edition of OUR TIME, Editor Charlie Muhs behooved all of us to make our wishes known immediately on whether or not to continue receiving the newsletter. Yes, I do want to continue to receive it. Furthermore, I would be willing to support it financially if it ever comes to that. Even though I've been away from Alaska for a number of years, there are still a number of names that are quite familiar. While it is regrettable that so many old timers with familiar names have gone on their last flights, it is gratifying to get such news. I spent approximately 62 years in Alaska in the early 50's. My first station was Unalakleet and Big Delta. This was followed by Bettles Field and Gulkana where I was SEMT at the latter two stations. We retain a certain fondness for Alaska, and I am a member of the Alaska State Society on Capital Hill. Vernon J. Hill Dear Mr. Muhs: Please, if you will, include in the Directory List a very dear friend, Karen Marshal. I would like very much to hear from her. We used to correspond; we have not heard from each other for some time. Both of us worked for Mr. Carl Bailey, Chief of Security Division, in Anchorage. I had previously worked for Mr. Dee Nelson in Fairbanks when Mr. Nelson was Area Manager there; that was around the time of the Air Traffic Controller Strike. Mr. Bailey might know Karen's address. I am hoping he does. I have enjoyed "OUR TIME" so very much. Thank you for your work in this endeavor. Enclosed is my check for cost of inclusion in Directory List. (If you are in contact with Mr. Nelson, please convey my regard; he was such a memorable gentleman.) Thank you, Edna C. Burgess (Edna, your note has been forwarded to Carl Bailey. Editor) Hi Charlie, guess it's time to get myself added to the e-mail list - and thanks for the great job you're doing to keep us old-timers informed and in touch. I've enjoyed a few unofficial retiree and old-timer reunions recently. In February, I was on a street corner in Waikiki waiting for the airport shuttle when who should come by but Ronnie and Hank Elias; they had flown over from Kona to enjoy the city lights for a while. Last month, I was at the airport waiting for arriving visitors when Char and Jim Titus appeared. A couple weeks ago I had a nice chat with Linn Mayo, who was father-of-the-bride at the wedding of one of Ralph Westover's grandsons; Linn was at Palmer and Cold Bay FSS's in the 70's. In the May newsletter, someone asked about Bob Stinson. Until fairly recently, both Bob and Barbie were quite active in volunteer work with the Cancer Society Relay for Life -- I haven't seen them recently, as they've passed the torch to other volunteers, but I believe both are doing well. Terry Alexander ~~~~ Charlie, I read all the messages you post and have really enjoyed it. I am sending this to let you and the others know I will be having a triple bypass at the Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. I remember you telling me about your bypass event. I was amazed that all EKGs, blood work, cholesterol, and blood pressure have been good but now I am told I have a blockage. If anyone would like to send email, I will be happy to respond when I get back. Keep up the good work with the Our Time and the other info you send out. Joe Cassel ~~~~ Hi Charlie and Dottye: I worked in Data Processing, AAL-43 from 1966 until I retired in April 1985. Although my wife, Patience, did not retire from the FAA, she did work in the Accounting Division, AAL-20 from 1972 until 1980. She still remembers a lot of the old timers and maybe a few of them remember her as well. Patience and I were very active with the Civil Air Club during those years and still can taste all the yummy halibut. We are sorry to hear the Club is ending - but, all things end sooner or later. We enjoy getting and reading OUR TIME. We hope you will continue with that for a long time. As you know everyone, Charlie, you do a great job with Dottye's help, I'm sure - or, is it the other way around? Ha! We are Snowbirds of sorts. If you can consider a Snowbird a Snowbird, who spends most of the fall and winter in northern Kansas! I like to be there to hunt ducks, pheasants and deer. Fred & Patience Campbell ~~~~ Dear Charlie: In the May issue, it was good to see names of old timers who are still around and doing well. Among those are Ken Persson and John Gonnason. I was sorry to hear about Harry Burton passing on. Harry, Ken, and I attended the same VHF & Carrier training in Anchorage in 1952. The instructor was Richard Coan. Ray Wardell was also in the class but haven't heard about him for a long time. Harry and Ray were relief technicians. Ken returned to Galena and me to Unalakleet to await the completion of the Fairbanks-Nome repeater system. John Gonnason was in charge of the installation of the Unalakleet repeater. At the commissioning, Ray Downing was on hand to accept the system on behalf of Systems Maintenance and I believe Joe Yesenski represented the Installation Branch. We were happy to see Kathy Nelson this spring when she visited the east coast. The Nelsons were in Gulkana where Gerry was an FSS Specialist. He died a number of years ago in Vashon Island, WA. Huguette Innes (widow of Charles Innes) died June 6 in Cape Coral, FL. She had been in deteriorating health for several years. Lastly, I was a fortunate recipient of the Jubilee of Liberty Medal authorized by the Governor of the Normandy Region for those who landed in Normandy within a certain window following the invasion. I landed on Utah Beach on June 26, 1944. Charlie: I do appreciate receiving "OUR TIME" which is the best way to recall memories and to learn how other old timers are doing. Keep up the good work. Vernon Hill ~~~~ Hi Charlie and Dottye: Just got the word from Mary Hodges that the Alaskan Retirees' newsletter is now online and that I could receive it when you receive my e-mail address. My e-mail address is: nakahbed@prodigy.net My wife and I retired in Henderson, NV since I retired in May 1995. It sure gets HOT in the summer time. We miss the Alaska summers but not the winters. I used to keep up with the FAA news from Fred Brown but he retired a few months ago and now lives in Pahrump, about 60 miles west of Las Vegas. So Mary's note was very timely. Read in the latest issue that Jim Perham died. I used to car pool with him and we had some good conversations. It sure is hard to comprehend that someone so young and healthy looking is gone. Take care you two and I will write to you folks when we have something good happens, like when my wife hits the Megabucks jackpot. Henry Nakamura ~~~~ Hello we're back online. The new house is so beautiful and roomy. We became the proud owners of a large debt yesterday. Barbs' mom is due next Tuesday. We're looking forward to her arrival. The weather has been clear the last few days. I'll get back to you. John & Barb Scrivner ~~~~ Dear Charlie: I always enjoy reading the accounts of your and other retiree's travel and life throughout Alaska and the rest of the world. I hope you and Dottye will be able to keep OUR TIME going for many years to come. I thank you and the Alaska Region for keeping me on the mailing list for OUR TIME all these years. I think the most enjoyable years of my CAA/FAA career were the almost 10 years in Alaska. My 33 year lifelong career in the Agency started January 1, 1940, in Nome when CAA took over from the territorial Alaska Aeronautics and Communications Commission (AAKC). From July 1941 through December 1948 I was headquartered in the Anchorage Regional Office installing communications and navaids facilities throughout Alaska. As you no doubt recall, the appropriations for those DLADF projects were made in the summer and the construction of facilities were often in the dead of winter like Big Delta, Port Heiden, etc. But in the spring and summer of 1943, I was sent out to the Aleutian Islands of Shemya and Attu to supervise installation and tune-up OF three low power Navy equipped MRL LF ranges put in by Air Force personnel. We saw an occasional dead Japanese soldier on Attu. From January 1, 1949, until final retirement in September 1976, I was an electronic engineer in CAA/FAA headquarters in Washington, D.C. My career spanned 13 years in Airway Facilities (Establishment and Maintenance Services), of which 42 years was in SRDS at NAFEC Atlantic City, NJ. Residence was in Fairfax County Virginia and Anne Arundel County Maryland. During the 42 years at NAFEC we lived in Northfield, N.J. Over the years I have been able to keep in touch with many friends and acquaintances from the agency via checking into the FAA Retirees Amateur Radio Net on Monday mornings on SSB 14.282 Mcs frequency at 10:OOAM. For years I have kept up my membership in the Society of Airway Pioneers. I am member No. 1235. And now Charlie I come to the most important item for this letter. I am uncertain about my status in the OUR TIME membership. On page 2 of the May 2001 OUR TIME, you state the need for the readers who still want to receive OUR TIME by mail to send in a signed questionnaire. There was no questionnaire attached to my copy of the May 2001 OUR TIME. On the bottom of the last page of my copy of the January 2001 OUR TIME, I have written a note reading: "Returned January 25, 2001, letter advising I wished to continue receiving mail copy of AK Region Retirees OUR TIME newsletter and gave my permission to release my home address to other retirees." I do not know if that response was on the questionnaire or just a letter. Can you find out if I am listed to receive the OUR TIME? Please use the enclosed SASE to advise me of my status and if needed mail me the questionnaire and advise who to send it to. I have no Internet or Web page capability. I will be 89 on 12/1/01. On page 10 of the September 2000 OUR TIME you state if one wants a copy of the 2001 Directory to send you a check for $5.00. Enclosed is my check. My last directory was attached to the November 1998 OUR TIME. On page 6 of that issue you had an obit for my old WSU College buddy Norman Arlin 1939 B.S. E.E. We were together there again in Anchorage in 1947-48. We hope you are having a good summer there in AK this year. Sincerely yours, Lewis Elmer Danes W3FZT ~~~~ Hello from Texas: I'm not much for writing, but it is good to hear from you all when you have the time. Since I have a new email address, I thought I would pass it on. It is:
jnr@coserv.net. Iona is gaining strength slowly. She finished 23 chemo sessions and four surgeries the end of April and now is monitoring her blood levels monthly. Of course we hope she won't have to have further treatments but as we all know, it is hard to predict. She has been blessed with good doctors, treatment, and we feel very blessed. Thanks for all your support, prayers, cards and concern. Best regards to all, Neil and Iona Reese ~~~~ AWARD WINNING GARDEN John and Helen Groeneveld's home off Angler Drive in Kenai has been named the weekly winner in the Kenai Beautification Committee's Summer-Long Garden of the Week program. The garden is beautifully landscaped with a nice bed of perennials, annuals and interesting wood art. ~~~~ Hi Everyone: I am doing sufficiently okay at this moment. Some days I wonder why I ever got into another business at my age and time in life. I was 58 on September 3 and have just finished (end of March) going back to school and getting licensed as an Aesthetician in Washington and Idaho. My daughter and I should have our new Salon and Day Spa ready to open around June 1. What a challenge and I couldn't do it without my daughter Donata. Peggy Don ~~~~ Aloha Charlie: We are selling our farm in Hawaii, will be moving back to Alaska and then to Denver for a while. Our daughter Jennifer needs medical treatments in Denver and her home and husband are 300 miles away. It will take six months and she will be OK. She really needs her Mom more than Dad. I have been asked to go back to Nicaragua and Haiti sometime in the first quarter of next year. I may also go to Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. I am teaching Hawaiian coffee growing methods and roasting characteristics. Will let you know my email addresses when I get established. Take Care, Frank Babiak ~~~~ Dear Charlie: I have been going through David's many files. The OUR TIME folder was quite large. David (Carr) died on May 15, 2001, at his Bashon Island, Washington home, from his long-standing heart condition. He wished to remain at home and enjoy it and our wonderful view. He was always cheerful and upbeat. He never experienced a lot of pain. His energy was low which curtailed his activities. David was a former Flight Standards pilot and began his career with the CAA as an ATCS. Please make a note in your next issue. Catharine Carr ~~~~
Carl Bassler, who retired in 1965, died at his Encinitas, California home on 4/11/01 after a prolonged illness. His funeral was the first time almost all of his & Dorothy's far flung family was able to get together. So not only did we mourn his loss, but celebrated his life with lots of stories and getting acquainted with each other. Dad would have loved to have been there. Jack Brown, former Flight Standards Branch Manager, died recently at his Medford, Oregon home. He is survived by his wife Dottie. Ray Caudle, former Anchorage ARTCC specialist, Cold Bay and Nome Station Manager, Wake Island and Juneau Area Manager, and Regional Appraisal Specialist passed away after a long illness in Stockton, CA. He is survived by his wife Marcille (Marcy) who resides at 7481 Shoreline Drive, Stockton, CA 95219. Charlie Carmody passed away 6/15/01. Ralph Cowles, 80, a former technician at Eielson RAPCON, Anchorage International, Anchorage CERAP, Elmendorf RAPCON and Instructor at Oklahoma City passed away from congestive heart failure on July 23, 2001. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, daughter Lynda Reiter and son Ronald. Funeral services were at the Eastside Church of Christ in Sentinel, Oklahoma, Friday, July 27, 2001. Walter Dotomain, 60, former Flight Service Specialist, passed away of a heart attack, July 16, 2001. Walt began his career in the print shop in the early seventies and then went into Air Traffic where he served at Cold Bay, Nome and Kenai. Dick Inman, 84, former Air Traffic Manager and Division Specialist passed away at his Friday Harbor, Washington home on June 8, 2001. He retired in 1971 after 28 years. He is survived by his wife Veronica. They were married 54 years. Elinor Mayo, 64, former Payroll Administrator in the Accounting Division, died June 4, 2001, in Orlando, Florida of cancer. Patricia I. Parker, 71, the wife of Walter Parker former FAA Air Traffic Specialist, died July 17, 2001, at home in Anchorage, Alaska. Memorial Services were held at St. Mary's Episcopal. Memorial donations can be given to Arc of Anchorage, 2211 Arca Drive, Anchorage, 99508. Justin D. Riedel, son of Bob and Nancy Riedel and grandson of former ATD specialist Robert Riedel died May 18, 2001, in Willow from an automobile accident. His father is an AT specialist in the Anchorage Center. Larry Rodger, former employee of the FAA Logistics Division, died May 20, 2001. He is survived by wife Shirley, who retired from the Flight Standards Division. They made Skwentna, Alaska their home after retirement. Floyd Joseph Seeley, born July 5, 1925, in Wilkes-Barre, PA, died at his home in Albuquerque, NM June 13, 2001. Floyd was the former AAL-720, Air Security Branch Manager, for the Civil Aviation Security Division in the early 1980s. He began his career with the FAA in 1972. He retired in 1993 with more than 49 years of Federal Service. George Scott, 76, former Anchorage ARTCC Supervisor, passed away June 4, 2001, at his Sequim, WA home. George began his career in Nome in 1949 and retired from the FAA in 1980. John J. Springer, 78, died September 9, 2001, after a short battle with cancer. He married Edith L. Cresswell on December 26, 1947. Alaska had been their home for the past 52 years. Mr. Springer was employed by the Federal Aviation Administration and retired in 1978 as an avionic technician supervisor. ~~~~ We received the following from Richard's family. Please remove Richard Turnbull's name from your mailing list from the OUR TIME Newsletter. Richard passed away October 13, 1998, in Anchorage. ~~~~ We thought you might like to know that Bob Terneuzen passed away November 18, 2001. He had leukemia. Bob worked at Midway and the Regional Office as well as ATA I believe. No further particulars are available at this time. Gloria and Carl Joritz ~~~~ Alaska There are times I fear I lose myself, I don't know who I am ~~~~ NARFE News Tax Parity Legislation, H.R. 2462, introduced by Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA), is identical to the 106th Congress bill, H.R. 372. During 1999 and 2000, the late Congressman Bruce Vento (DFL-MN) and NARFE recruited 71 cosponsors. H.R. 2462 would extend to public pensions from federal, state and municipal governments the same tax preferred treatment accorded to social security benefits, up to $25,000 for an individual return and $32,000 for a joint filing. The next COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) for millions of retired and disabled Americans will be 2.6 percent. Social security beneficiaries, as well as civil service annuitants, foreign service, and military retirees will be among those receiving the adjustment in their January 2002 checks. Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) annuitants age 62 and over, as well as FERS survivors and disability retirees, will receive a COLA of 2.0 percent. FERS retirees under age 62 receive no COLA. Persons who are recently retired will receive lesser inflation adjustments, as the first COLA is prorated to cover only the months of the year during which the individual was actually retired. The COLA -- an annuity adjustment, not a pay raise -- is effective December 1, 2001 and will be reflected in January 2002 checks. Last year's adjusted COLA was 3.5 percent. On October 19, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the September 2001 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) as 174.8.This index reading reflects an increase of 0.6 percent from the August index of 173.8. The annual federal retirement cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is based on the percentage difference between the third quarter average index readings in two consecutive years. The average index for the third quarter of 2001 is 174.1, up 2.6 percent from last year's third quarter average base index of 169.7. ~~~~ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year FAA Regional Administrator Kerry B. Long |